From the Publisher …
Jon Angell

This past month has flown by. I’ve been steady in the hayfields since last month. The hay has turned out to be crazy abundant, the exact opposite from last year. Last year I had to buy some hay; ouch. This year I have plenty of hay, probably enough to sell some. The problem is universal; it’s too high when I buy, and too cheap when I have it to sell.

Up front this month, we have a sunflower story from America’s hometown, Hannibal, Mo. I always have enjoyed specialty crops and unique businesses. How cool is a sunflower farm? It just looks like a really neat deal. I like sunflowers, and get a charge out of growing a row of them in the garden, how awesome would it be to plant several acres of sunflowers.

Elsewhere, Justin wrote long and turned in after his deadline again. His thoughts/opinions on page six might stir the pot some. Remember, Justin’s stuff is an opinion based column; his opinion. So, I guess I will deal with the hate mail as it comes in, everyone chill a little, and don’t allow yourselves to be easily offended. Life is too short to be wasting your time being offended over someone else’s opinion.

Speaking of offensive, let’s mention page 18 for this issue. Clay Travis has an interesting take on the current sports controversy. As an all-around conservative both in social matters and financial matters, it will come as no surprise to most of you that I don’t subscribe to the modern ideas of transgendering, gender fluidity, and the other scrambling of traditional things. I don’t understand how there is any controversy in thinking when it comes to biological men competing against biological women. Bless Riley Gaines, Clay Travis and others who are standing up against woke craziness.

I want to highlight page 12 and a new contributor. I have been coming across Carolyn Allen’s Facebook posts as she is gathering information about several of the barns in her area. I have found many of the stories she has come across uniquely interesting. I think readers here will really enjoy what she has planned, and I am looking forward to upcoming months as we benefit from Carolyn’s hobby of “braking for barns.”

Well for now, I’m keeping my comments very short, I’ll change hats and hurry off to mow hay. Like always, we have plenty to offer this month, thanks for reading and your continued support.

Send questions, story ideas, criticism, encouragement to:
Jon Angell
Publisher CA
PO Box C
Centralia MO 65240